LibreOffice 3.4.2 Released
LibreOffice 3.4.2发布
posted by lemur2 on Mon 8th Aug 2011 22:12 UTC
发表于:2011年8月9日 北京时间06:12
The Document Foundation (TDF) has announced the release of version 3.4.2 of the open source LibreOffice office suite. According to TDF Steering Committee member Italo Vignoli, the third release in the 3.4.x branch of LibreOffice is now ready for both individuals and enterprises, and can be used for production.
(TDF)宣布了开源 办公套件3.4.2版本的发布。 ,LibreOffice 3.4.x分支第三次发行现已对个人和企业均可用,并可用于生产性工作当中。
Vignoli says that 3.4.2 is the result of the "combined activity of 300 contributors having made more than 23,000 commits, with the addition, deletion or modification of around five million lines of code". SUSE and Oracle have each provided approximately 25% of the total commits. New individual volunteers accounted for another 25%, while 20% came from RedHat; the remaining contributions came from Canonical and other companies.
Vignoli说,3.4.2是“结合了300多名贡献者23,000多个投入,作了大概5百万行代码的增、 删、改”而来的结果。SUSE和Oracle各自提供了总投入的约25%;新的独立志愿者提供了另外的25%;约20%来自红帽;剩下的贡献来自 Canonical和其他公司。
Further information about the release, including a full list of new features, can be found in the release notes and on the 3.4 New Features and Fixes page.
关于此款发行的更多信息,包括新特性完整列表,可以在 和3.4 页找到。
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